Monday, July 4, 2016

Make Fun Friday GREAT AGAIN!

Fun Friday = students being rewarded for about 30 minutes because they completed their work all week and a time for teachers to prep their stations or fill the Monday-Friday drawers to ease their anxiety over the weekend. I would venture out to stay that Fun Friday is an integral part of a teachers week. 

An obstacle I faced this year, was finding the balance between a straight free for all (just letting kids PLAY) and structuring it to where I don't lose valuable teaching time. This summer my task is create games that are fun but my kiddos are still learning. 

3 Fun Friday Staples:
-iPad time: My kiddos are allowed to play any games that are on our class iPads, which majority of them are educational.
-Lincoln Logs: This is tends to be a popular choice, because my students can build cabins and most of all work together. 
-Legos- A classic...until certain video games come to life and it gets shut down real quick! The discussion of appropriateness comes into play and then we are all good!

Now lets do the math, 3 staples and about 22 kids...yea I need a few stations and this is where a few of my new products come in! One new staple will be The Sight Word Cafe, students can role play and practice their sight words and my latest FREEBIE is a card game where student recognize the quantity of structured arrangements...pretty much identifying number patterns! 

How do you structure your Fun Friday?

Click the pictures to take a look! 


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